Freedom Lies

A series of three exhibitions that provide a contemporary discussion around themes raised by Magna Carta.

This year Magna Carta is 800 years old. Magna Carta is a hugley influential charter that represents a starting point in the progression of international human rights and the continued battle to hold those in power accountable. Inspired by this anniversary, 'Freedom Lies' forms part of a city-wide focus on the theme of 'liberation', as part of this year's Frequency Festival.

Although Magna Carta was written in 1215 by a group of Anglo-Norman Barons with the primary purpose to halt the financial excesses of King John, a hierarchical document intended to define the relationship and freedoms of the ruling and serving classes, a brief section of the document addresses the issues of illegal imprisonment and the right to fundamental freedom in Britain. It is this brief section that has had such international resonance; representing the first step towards the eventual overarching Human Rights Act, written in 1998.

These exhibitions allow us to consider the global issues which are critical to today's ideas of freedom and liberty, such as capital punishment, freedom of speech, boundary laws and the power dynamics between “developed” and “developing” countries. Through provocative examples of contemporary art, historic documents and a new global commission from Ghana ThinkTank we would like to invite you to join in the discussion – What are today's problems with freedom? What does freedom mean to you?

The video by artist Jordan Baseman uses a sound recording and words on a blank screen to portray the electric chair execution of an American convict in 1984. It highlights how feelings around the death penalty are coped with by making it less visible. Copies of archived historical documents about hangings that took place in Lincoln and laws on the death penalty also form part of the first exhibition in The Collection. Under 16's must be accompanied by an adult.

The second exhibition of the three features a video of actors re-enacting an event from 1962 when 18-year-old Peter Fetcher, a resident of the German Democratic Republic, tried to escape over the wall from East to West Berlin.

Ghana ThinkTank  features video of global issues around freedom and liberty and the power between 'developed' and 'developing' countries. It also features a wall inviting people to take a compass showing the direction of Mecca from Lincolnshire. Opinions from the Usher's Young Creatives have been turned into panels on the floor of the exhibition.

Artists included in Freedom Lies:

Jordan Baseman: 24th October - 24th January 

S Mark Gubb: 24th October - 14th February 

Ghana ThinkTank: 24th October - 14th February 

Open daily - 10am to 4pm, last entry 3.45pm


There will also be a discussion on December 3 led by the Lincoln Law School and the artist Jordan Baseman. Click here for more information on the event 'When Governments Kill', and how to book your place..
