Itinerant Mind

Be amazed by an installation that will directly involve you, the audience, and the way you think.

Venue: Courtyard Gallery
Opening Times: 10.00am - 16.00pm
Price: Free

Based around sound collaborations between Sydney and London Annie Morrad and Ian McArthur produce interwoven structures of sound that regenerate intervallic forms and define architectural spaces. For this exhibition Morrad and McArthur are working with Ross Oliver. Ross’s installation work derives from an improvisational music practice and is usually employed for the purpose of research and experimentation with acoustics and analogue technology.

The exhibition ‘Itinerant Mind’ explores urban and architectural space through improvisations with the saxophone, electronics and field recordings from diverse places and situations. These are then re-formed and re-presented to introduce the audience to an abstract narrative activated through the audiences own perception based on personal history and understanding.